Sunday 27 November 2011

Ordsall Ball

Today me and Sophie cycled down to Ordsall Hall in Salford to attend the knitting event 'Ordsall Ball (of wool)'. Inside there was a craft fair and loads of demonstrations of people teaching others how to knit and crochet, overall it was a really nice event and even better that it was just down the road. I forgot to take pictures when inside because I got distracted by all the cool things but me and Sophie learned how to finger knit, which neither of us had tried before.

One of the coolest things about Oldsall Hall is that it is apparantly haunted, when Sophie suggested we go I thought that attending a haunted craft fair would totally make up for me missing Halloween (because I had a cold). I didn't hold any interviews with anyone there because I have collected the majority of my data now, today was just for fun and to do some networking for our knitting group and we had a great time doing it.


  1. This sounds so fun! I've always wanted to join a knitting group, but never have. I so should!

  2. Hi Amber
    Me and some of my friends run a knitting group in Manchester:
    you would be very much welcome to come and join us
